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Further Education Spring for the BDAE Marketing team

In early May, the German-speaking marketing world gathered in the heart of Hamburg at the OMR Expo. The BDAE Marketing team was also in attendance.

Anne-Katrin Schwanitz, Steffi Hochgraef, and Christian Kniese represented the communication team of the international insurer at what is arguably the largest online marketing event in Germany. The OMR Festival (Online Marketing Rockstars Festival) attracted an estimated 75,000 visitors over three days in April.

The clear thematic focus was the mainstream adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in society. While AI research has accompanied humanity for decades, it is with tools like Chat-GPT that AI has become usable and experiential for the masses. Consequently, the marketing industry is filled with questions about how AI can benefit their work.

Many sessions focused on the practical application of AI in day-to-day work. For instance, the well-known application Chat-GPT can be used as a "conversation partner" to develop ideas for advertising campaigns. Other applications generate images, graphics, and even entire videos based on short descriptive texts. As an editor and translator, AI has already been utilised naturally for some time.

 INTERN IMG 20230510 WA0003BDAE on the road: Here at the OMR...

As useful as these developing tools are, they have far-reaching societal implications. How much decision-making power do we want to delegate to AI in our daily work? What types of decisions should it be able to make? How does it change the way we communicate and interact with knowledge as human beings? And does AI make us partially obsolete in the workplace?

These topics were explored by smaller marketing firms as well as renowned keynote speakers like Sascha Lobo, Maja Göpel, and Richard David Precht.

Internationally recognized figures also took the stage, providing either specialized tips for daily corporate communication or sharing moving and inspiring insights. For example, tennis legend Serena Williams attended the event.

The BDAE team learned about various subjects apart from artificial intelligence. They explored topics like the podcast industry, creating effective YouTube strategies, and incorporating sustainability into their corporate culture. These insights were valuable for their daily work, going beyond just acquiring new customers. The BDAE has made it a priority to maintain a focus on sustainability as an ongoing objective.

Visiting Lüneburg

LinkedIn held a special position for the BDAE team this spring. To receive specific training for this platform, the group visited the online experts at Webnetz in Lüneburg. Under the guidance of Natalie Amelung, the discussion revolved around employer influencers. In essence, the focus was on how to allow the team members to express themselves individually, rather than communicating solely as an "anonymous" company. Ultimately, it is the employees themselves who shape and propel the company forward.

INTERN MicrosoftTeams image... and here visiting Webnetz.

The idea is clear, but the devil is in the details. How can colleagues be better engaged in the future? Which formats on LinkedIn are particularly suitable for various types of content? And under what circumstances does the LinkedIn algorithm promote a post more frequently? The Webnetz expert shed light on these matters and shared insider knowledge.

Whether in Hamburg or Lüneburg, the BDAE team greatly appreciated the many insights and the opportunity for exchange. They are eagerly looking forward to applying what they have learned in practice!

This article is from the 2/2023 issue of the magazine "Life Abroad".

The magazine is published four times a year free of charge with many informative articles on foreign topics.

It is published by the BDAE, the expert for protection abroad.