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© Danai, Adobe Stock

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Modern solutions for modern explorers

© Danai, Adobe Stock

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The BDAE, premium partner for digital nomads

At BDAE Group, we pride ourselves on having spent the last 25 years on becoming experts at understanding our clients and their unique needs.

A common challenge for our digital nomads clients is managing their finances with traditional banks. These banks often struggle to understand the specificities of a nomadic lifestyle and lag in adopting essential digital tools. International transaction fees, complex documentation, and limited branch access further hinder banking on the go.

That's why BDAE partners with bunq, bank of The Free, to simplify our clients' lives.

What is bunq ?

Founded in 2012 and officially launched to the public in 2015, bunq is the second largest neobank in Europe. Today, bunq serves more than 11 million users.

Serving digital nomads across the European Economic Area, bunq makes life easy for location-independent people and businesses starting from the way they manage money: how they spend, save, budget and invest.

Why we recommend bunq

Here are some of the features that we think could make the most differences for digital nomads:

  • bunq is 100% digital. As a result, all you need to sign up or access your account is a mobile phone. You also get access to 24/7 support, available in 7 languages, and Together, a community forum where you can exchange views and opinions with other customers.
  • With a bunq account, you can save and spend in 22 currencies and send your money in other currencies with no extra fees. For a business owner or a remote worker, that feature is really important.
  • You get to choose between different subscription plans to find the one that fits your needs. No matter which plan you choose, you get access to a local IBAN in 5 European countries: Germany, the Netherlands, France, Spain and Ireland.
  • bunq’s also committed to sustainability: if you sign up for bunq’s Easy Bank Pro XL, you’ll contribute to making our planet greener simply by spending money with bunq. For every €100 you spend, bunq plants a tree.

Woman with a smartphone

Mego-studio, Adobe stock